This blog is my portfolio of learning. It contains quality work that I am proud of.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Abseiling letter

Dear Blue Skies Abseiling & Rock Climbing Team,

Thankyou very much for instructing us on the rock climbing wall and the abseiling tower.
It was lots of fun trying things that we don't usually do. I can't wait to go abseiling again. When we went on the 8m tower for the fist time I was really freaked but going down on the secound and third time it wasn't as scary. Going down the16m tower was very scary on your first time. Going down backwards was even more scary.

We hope that you have a great time going Abseiling down the 100m cliff face.We all had a great experience and wish you luck for future abseiling.

I am sure that anyone else that has been abseiling or rock climbing with you had a great time. We hope you enjoyed the BBQ dinner we provided you.

Thanks Again

Elise Batt
On behalf of Room 14 Fendalton School

Here is a podcast thanking you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)